Leaf Magnets™ are the best leaf removal technology, and the healthiest. All alternatives (rakes, blowers, vacuums, sweepers, and lawn mowers) damage your health, appearance, mood, brainpower.
Surprised? So were we. We knew exhaust gas is toxic and noise is annoying, but beyond that, we didn't see any other problems except for a cough lingering for a few days after blowing or vacuuming—just allergies, we presumed.
The reality is more alarming. The inescapable problem with blowers is that they blow everything on lawns, not just leaves. Lawn vacuums also stir up plumes contaminating the user's eyes, nose, lungs, ears, and clothing. What's on leaves and grass is often toxic, and what is in soil always is: no area is safe, but some are worse than others (example). Even lawn sweepers and rakes create some dust and airborne debris, and thus also pose a risk to you.
The references listed below substantiate our concerns. Most were generated by scientists, all of whom have nothing to sell, and hence no vested interest in persuading you that what is on lawns and in soil is indeed hazardous to users and their neighbors.
The irony is that people use leaf blowers and lawn vacuums to save time, but they may waste even more by triggering health problems and increasing the risk of premature death not only in the operator but others nearby because noise, exhaust, dust, and other hazards spread widely.
Minimizing future risks and focusing on immediate benefits is an example of temporal discounting. In the minds of most people, the apparent time savings from using leaf blowers instead of rakes is so alluring they opt for the blower even though it may send them to an early grave or unable to perform in the bedroom without pharmacological assistance—none happening today or anytime soon, so the generally small risk from any one usage is rounded down to zero. But just as one fast-food meal won't kill you but a steady diet of them very well may (the threshold effect, analogous to the straw that broke the camel's back), small but repeated risks can slowly add up to big problems. Leaf Magnets™ eliminate the need to trade current benefits for future risks because they outperform leaf blowers while not subjecting you to their health hazards.
Here's a summary listing problems caused or contributed to by leaf blowers, lawn vacuums, and mowers as well as sweepers and rakes to a lesser extent:
One of these risks is Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite transmitted by contaminated soil. Interestingly, there are gender differences in its effects. They include:
Leaves decay primarily via decomposition by mold, with various fungal species predominating at different times; this diversity heightens the chance of leaves inducing an allergic response in any one person. Arrows in the pictures below highlight mold spots on leaves in early spring after they were covered by snow during a northern Michigan winter. Fungal decay slowly proceeds until leaf decomposition is complete.
Most people don't know about research documenting these effects, thus they never put two and two together, so if their children do not get into medical school or otherwise fail to achieve their career dreams, or if they develop health or behavioral problems, almost never is the leaf blower identified as the culprit or contributing factor.